In the UK secret courts already exist in the form of Family Courts. The restrictions on knowing what these courts are up to are severe, the punishments for disclosure draconian. So naturally they abuse the power and act in a most malicious way. These are not normal, fair courts operating behind closed doors. In these courts 'evidence' can be hidden from defendants, unsupported accusations made, material statements withheld, cross examination denied.
In fact, anything can and is allowed that enables state functionaries to do whatever they want. It takes a strong and principled judge (and we seem to have a careful justice system that has worked to weed them out early) to stand up for real and actual justice.
This is the power Clarke seeks, untrammelled, absolute and unchallengeable. I don't know why they feel the need just now to do this, but it is obviously very powerful, because they have already played their trump card. Terrorism. Not just that though, but that other countries, the US for goodness sake, cannot trust our open courts.
What a lot of hogwash. Our courts can protect sources and don't have a problem with secrecy when it matters. No, our politicians problem is, they want the power when it doesn't matter and they don't want you to know that, either.
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