It's raining, which means a segment of the population, probably quite legally in possession of a driving licence, drive incredibly slowly, even on a dual carriageway. The government has pressed into our heads that speed kills, but it doesn't. The real danger is disparity of speed, so when everyone else is doing 70-80 the guy doing 120 is a danger. But then so is the 45-50 brigade when the general flow is doing 70.
Anders Britvic, the complete fruit juice who thinks killing potential future politicians with whom he would have to disagree is a rational approach to problem solving, nevertheless says some things that make people uncomfortable, because you agree with the basics. Multiculturalism, as a creed is deliberately divisive and designed to undermine capitalist society.
It is an evil in itself, because it sets out to create fear and anger. Under multiculturalism, the Norwegian Nutter should be tolerated as his views are as valid as any other, apparently. In a law abiding society of course they are not. The only problem a multiculti could find with Anders would be that he is seems to be carrying a Right Wing label and as such can be hated. Ironically, he resorted to the left solution of force to make his political point.
I see the IMF, which seem to be one of many organisations employed solely to make daily predictions, based possibly on tea leaves, are now saying the Eurozone could provoke a Great Depression if it collapses. Of course both in existing and in self destructing the Euro does and will cause great harm, but it doesn't have to be like that.
If the EU politicians did what a decent human being would do and carefully took apart their monetary empire, we could all breathe easy. Plus, it would not only save us from a Great Depression but actually kick off a boom. Except for the politicians of course, who would 'suffer'. So it won't happen, because their feelings and power have to come first. I mean, could WW2 have ended because Hitler suddenly decided he was wrong? Suddenly realised he should consider how he was hurting other people?
I'm going to act like an expert now. An NHS 'think tank' (read 'pointless bureaucrats justifying large salaries') says that a minimum price for alcohol will save 1,000 lives. I think it will kill 10,000. I'm not going to explain how, or try to substantiate my point. I'm an expert.
MP's seem to think the messing around with the country's finances may have damaged the pensions of millions of Britons. Indeed. Partly, this is because of the £325 billion that has been printed. It crosses my mind that, had that money been given to ordinary people and not banks, then the pension crisis would be over and we would have money circulating in the economy more freely (with a dose of inflation though).
But no, it must be given to the other half of the inept cabal of bankers and politicians who caused the problem and, most likely are on course to do it again.
Tesco have issued a profits warning for the first time in 20 years. Last year they made over £1 billion profit. I wonder if that is more than all the suppliers put together made out of selling their wares to Tesco? I'm sure that a company cannot go on making more than last year forever, but the 'problem' at Tesco can be summed up in one word, arrogance.
Am I missing something? The looter who killed a man with a single punch has just been sentenced to 8 years in prison. And the man who set fire to a furniture shop got 11 and a half. The extent of the shop fire was severe because the police and fire service let it burn. We saw from aerial footage as it went up that the area was completely empty, no one about at all. I think his sentence is OK; it is the other one that puzzles me.
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