Monday, 23 April 2012

Latest Euro Woes

You could laugh at the idiots, if it wasn't so serious. The Dutch government, as I write, looks set to fall, because they cannot, will not agree to austerity measures, which is odd bearing in mind they have been pretty keen for Southern European states to do so. France looks on the brink of bringing in a Socialist President. Across Europe it seems that the people don't understand the crisis any more than the politicians.

Greek, Spanish and now French people do not want cuts. Hollande in France is saying he would grow the economy and we can guess how, with state spending, which won't work, because he will cripple private industry with taxes to pay for it.

There is a suggestion that if the IMF had insisted on proper fiscal measures to avert crisis, things would be very different and very much better. I wonder if that is why Lagarde was so hastily shoved in? To make sure the IMF was as pro-Euro as possible?

The scariest thing is that, even now the Politicians and Eurocrats are treating the whole thing as a game. Perhaps there should be some real sanctions on them should they carry on with patent folly; imprisonment and/or no state pension. That would, I guarantee make them act very differently.

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