Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The Falklands

Argentina is a country that is perpetually ruled by grubbing types, either military or political. The present President is a vain, yet quite unattractive woman called Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who became wealthy through corrupt land deals. She rails these days, not against herself, her corruption and the appalling mess she is making of a country already in a bad way.

No, she diverts attention away from her to the Falkland Islands and British colonialism, which is oppressing  the people of the Islands. This her people believe because they are taught it at school, but like global warming, that doesn't make it true. Naturally if the islands were a colony of Argentina she wouldn't have a problem with colonialism.

Some people think her timing cynical, to reopen the wounds of the 1982 war, but this is coincidence. Her timing is based on the fact that oil has been found around the islands and her greed knows no bounds or reason. Her country could be looking for oil in its own regions, but that would require effort; so much better to take other people's possessions and the fruit of their labour.

And, as she well knows the Islanders speak English and wish to retain their links with the UK, not Argentina. So another of her planks is pulled away because if she invaded these foreign shores again, it would be Argentina, once again acting in the role of oppressor.

In 1982 there was genuine surprise among many conscripts in the Argentine forces, to find the local population hostile to them and decidedly British. This was not what they had been told to expect. It may well make sense for the Islands to be part of Argentina, it being the closest mainland. But not when it is run by corrupt nutters, so the choice of the Islanders, in the circumstances is both logical and right.

In fact, the Falklanders could offer to take over Argentina, thus not only making the coveted link, but also providing some people who are not power crazed crackpots, to restore the country to prosperity.

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