Here's a thought; has there ever been a politician who was at least reasonably popular and competent. I mean actually, recognisibly did a good job? It doesn't have to be Churchill during the War but someone who clearly was on top of their remit.
Gordon Brown of course was hailed as a fantastic Chancellor by Labour spin doctors and the chant was taken up by those in the country who felt thinking was a waste of effort. Thatcher I suppose is an interesting case, because she did so much good for the country, was decisive and clever, but flawed in a slightly meglomanic way. The issue of popularity of course is skewed here because, as she was doing such an excellent job, the Left had to demonise her -and stir up riots- to paint an image acceptable to them.
I'm sure Bevin will pop up from the Left, but the NHS was such a radically bad idea in the way he saw it being used, e.g. controlled from the centre, that he doesn't qualify. (It could have been so different though; good idea in principle but needed to be done by a conservative -small 'c').
It seems they are usually people who are not trusted by their party such as Douglas Carswell and Frank Field.
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