Friday, 27 April 2012

Immigration And Benefits

QT was sensationally bad last night with Dimmo seemingly unable to control the rabble he had assembled. And everyone except Farage sounded strangely mute on any subject. The pointless rich person, Polly Toynbee was not as feisty in support of some patently unsupportable nonsense. And she also, again, failed to mention that she works for a company that avoids paying UK tax.

Farage seemed to get a good reaction to a number of his points, except on immigration. Here one young chap went virtually bonkers at Farage who had said that EU immigrants qualify for immediate benefits. Mr Outraged in the audience said he was employed in the housing benefit industry (not how he put it) and Farage was wrong. He insisted, he shouted, he repeated it several times.

Now, possibly he is partly right, but late last year the EU told Britain to offer benefits to EU nationals immediately and Brussels are in charge after all. So I think the UKIP man, making an anti-EU point was actually right in his assertion. But then the man in the audience was probably more politically motivated than personally concerned with factual accuracy. Indeed, several of those who spoke from the audience seemed to be public sector workers. Who would have thought, in a QT audience?

It was also odd that Grayling, who I believe had a remit that might give an insight into benefits, kept quiet.

What I can't understand is that people keep squealing about cuts, as if government spending was a manifest good in itself. If we get rid of 90%+ of the Quango's no one would notice, but a bunch of bureaucrats would be unemployed. If we got rid of the disgusting overseas 'aid' budget, people would lose their jobs. If we got rid of gay and lesbian 'outreach' workers, no harm would be done but people would be unemployed.

These things are true and I'm sorry for anyone losing their job, but if it shouldn't have existed in the first place and when we can't afford it, what choice is there? Overall, public sector employment harms an economy, though some of that has to be accepted. If we get rid of the dead wood, we would be in a much better position.

If, for instance we left the EU and completely forgot the Climate Change scam, then the UK would recover in a very short time. It is because we will not end these idiotic policies and practises that we are doomed to an austere future, for as far as we can see. And still the Left want to support and extend the harm they do!

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