Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Accepting Responsibility

We are children. We have allowed ourselves to be reduced to that situation. Today, no-one really takes responsibility, no-one seriously considers their place in the world. They worry about themselves certainly, but that is not the same thing.

On a recent programme on the BBC about the late Seventies we saw the culture of strikes that was prevalent. It was the exercise of power by Unions, with the political objective of destroying capitalist Britain (today, these people would be 'environmentalists'). It was suggested that the real point where they over stepped the mark, was the strike by support workers at Great Ormond Street hospital

A nurse was interviewed who said she couldn't do her job of caring for children and strike. She couldn't do it and be a member of a Union she said. And this is important; she realised, in an intelligent and perceptive way that people today cannot, that the two were linked.

In those days, people realised, generally, that what they voted for, what they required from a government had to work for all, had to be based on principles. You can see immediately how different this is from the situation today. Now, selfish greed is paramount.

This is why, despite the complete inability of anyone to explain why global warming is 'real', it has attained a global political importance that can only be described as hysterical. It is why we have binge drinking, a disrespect for the law, at a time when the police have also reconsidered their job and think they are political activists and have redirected their idea of crime. Now they fight a class war against the middle and upper classes (as defined by them) using tools of petty oppression; banning hunting, persecuting motorists, refusing to prevent crime.

We have to realise it is us, as voters who have allowed this to happen. Why have we allowed politicians to con us with their narrow, self important view of their role? Why do we allow Left activists to control our lives? Listen to the nurses conference, where the audience jeer and shout down reform and change in their industry. Not because it is right, but because they have been told by their communistic leadership to do so.

Lansley was perfectly frank with them, though could have pointed out that these people, who continue to insist on a saintly status, seem to have forgotten basic hygiene. We have just had a celebration, because hospital staff have discovered hand washing and this has had a miraculous effect on infection control.

They don't want to discuss the number of people the NHS kills, by which I mean people who otherwise would not have died, not where the outcome was predictable. The government are booed because of supposed cuts the staff are told about by their leadership, but any front line staff cuts are entirely due to the political machinations of the management. We know that historically, the Left, without a hint of conscience, fight Tory attempts to get things working by destroying the front line.

Managers are left in place and nurses sacked. Bureaucrats not only protect their own jobs in this way, but attempt to define the political battlefield as being their saintly health care professionals against a wicked, uncaring Tory government.

We have to stop our unthinking support for this nonsense. The Left and its lies have held sway for too long. And by way of proof look to two people for whom politics is a personal vehicle, not an ideological imperative. Alistair Campbell and Peter Mandelson may be associated with the Left, but this is not why they are seen as notorious liars. No, they do it simply because, today we accept lies at face value. The bigger the better.

Wake up Britain! When are we going to have our moment of realisation. After the war, communists and their fellow travellers refused to believe Stalin had murdered so many of his own people, that the gulags existed. We know better now, but it is a lesson for the stupidity of our age.

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