The Union for police officers, the Police Federation, invited Theresa May, the Home Secretary to speak at their conference. Only, that isn't why they asked her. With a big grievance banner for her to sit in front of, the audience booed her and produced an endless series of childish stunts, to let her know that they fully supported whatever it was that the leadership was moaning about.
Police officers are angry you see, that they may no longer be able to retire at 50 with a pension some way above what they have paid for. These are also the people who take pride in the garb they adorn themselves with, to appear more aggressive, that harass motorists, attack peaceful marchers because they are not Left wing, who proudly fly rainbow flags in political sympathy with homosexual activists, who share responsibility for the abject failure to deter and detect crime and who shoot, on the whole, unarmed people.
Naturally, such a self impressed, poor quality bunch of individuals believe that they haver the wholehearted support of the country. Policing is an essential job and when they do it they will be essential, otherwise they remain the irritant, social engineering body that they have become.
If they expect the general population to chip in and support their much earlier retirement, then perhaps the general population should get the same treatment. Communist activists currently use this to deflect criticism of unfunded public sector pensions. To do this, we may have to delete the budgets for diversity training, gay and lesbian outreach events and all the other myriad, irrelevant and mindless nonsense, senior police officers devote the overwhelming balance of their attention on.
Theresa May, may not appear to be the safest pair of hands, but she has a considerable distance to travel if she wants to be as incompetent, vacuous and dangerously out of touch as the police Union.
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