Wednesday, 2 May 2012

How You Doin'?

Traditionally a map of Britain shows a Labour heartland in the North and solidly Conservative in the South. This we are told (and have come to accept), is because working folk live 'up North' and all the snooty, posh types down South. So the division is based on the people that live there.

But as ever, the Left have tried to construct the narrative along lines of their choosing. They have decided for you how you will look at something. If you are a low paid worker living in the South are you a fish out of water? Do you yearn to move Up North?

Do wealthy people (excluding footballers, they are too stupid to count) in the Northern climes always up sticks and relocate Southwards, the day some magical figure of money in the bank is hit? I think not.

Clearly, the divide is more likely that the devastation in Labour regions is because they are Labour regions. Where effort is rewarded and ambition is seen as good, wealth is created and these areas flourish because those traits are Conservative traits.

I mentioned traditional earlier and this should be seen in this context. Needless to say, the current Conservatives are no such thing. Though Labour continues to be mainly a subversive, Marxist party masquerading as something altogether more benign and 'of the people'. Though of course there was the interlude where the spivs of Tony Blair held sway, whilst trying to make themselves rich.

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