Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Left And Right

I've always been a bit uncomfortable about Left and Right in politics. Something seemed to be wrong with the premise involved. The Left is dedicated to the removal of freedom from the individual and giving absolute power to the State, which then hugs all the people it is responsible for, in that special benign way the Left imagine.

In reality of course, the Left is a totalitarian, uncaring construction for an elite to hold power in perpetuity, using violence to maintain its power. But then I am led to believe that Fascists are the Right wing version, doing exactly the same thing. Clearly, to me this means Fascism is of the Left as evidenced by the mislabelling of Hitler and Stalin as being polar opposites.

In matters of human interaction you cannot have the range that we have been led to believe in for so long. You cannot have an unpleasant, oppressive regime at one end, then progress through a free world of trade and movement to oppressive regime again. That isn't how we work. One extreme is clearly oppression the other is non oppression. We are not dealing with a temperature scale. Cold, being the Left and way too hot the Right. Unpleasant temperatures are the same to a person. What matters is good weather and bad.

This is not to say that what we have hitherto thought of as Right should now be considered wonderful, sunlit uplands. It means some who have been considered Right wing are in fact totalitarians and therefore of the Left. A person on the Right wing of the political spectrum has to be someone who respects others, embraces a culture of freedom of expression within a civil society, where laws only take effect where they do genuine good, to protect the majority.

Just as politicians who would hope to be on the Right need to look at themselves to see if they harbour ill will, so those on the Left should be careful that their instinct to control and burden others, does not lead them to the logical conclusion of such policies; totalitarianism.

Naturally, it may be supposed that without resorting to some form of communism (they do like their little factions of horror don't they), the Right could allow big business to flourish at the expense of 'workers'. That rich people would have a separate justice. But that would mean a state existing that promulgates such laws, and enforces them. See where this is going?

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