Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Exploding Europe

On it goes, in the age of Wishful Thinking'. First a person perceived as a true Tory gets voted in whilst Tories elsewhere in council elections get an absolute thrashing. (Ghastly to see how many people vote quite happily for a lying, wealthy, incompetent, hypocritical, Stalinist in the form of Ken Livingstone).

Then a raving Socialist is voted in, in France and Greece can't form a government. People voting against 'austerity', the belief seeming to be that if you don't vote for austerity bad things will go away. Maybe ostriches will inherit the earth.

Anyway it is clear no-one seriously wants to address the issue except Britain, where the people clearly want to vote for Conservative policies of growth, but the wet, leftie Cameron won't offer them this.

It will be funny watching the supremely arrogant Hollande, replacing the arrogant Sarkozy, pout and fume about everything that annoys him and promise his followers the world, delivering nothing but extra grief and debt. He is on a mission to destroy France. Good luck to him. He should also be a big boost to the destruction of the EU, which will help the whole of Europe a great deal. It seems it takes stupid people to finally destroy the stupid constructions of stupid people.

What should Greece do? Well, I think someone in Greece should take the bull by the horns and say that Greece, a once proud country must stand on its two feet and declare itself proud once again. It should print Drachma's in secret and then when all is ready, tell the Eurocrats that they no longer run Greece, that the Euro will be replaced with the Drachma, immediately and with an exchange rate set by Greeks.

If this means trouble for the banks that the EU is supporting, then so be it; they got themselves into this mess and they created the situation for the Greeks to be destroyed. It is only pigeons coming home to roost. Greece can then go about growing their economy and returning wealth to their people. To do this though, they have to abandon their lifelong love of Communism, it has held them back before. Surely they can see the communism of the EU project isn't working for them?

Socialism, by which these days means almost exclusively communists in hiding, has wrecked Europe with its repeated stabs at power. Most spectacularly it has caused the banking crisis by having Blair and Clinton in power at the same time, both courting money and power with banks. Authoritarians have had their day. It is time for their citadels to be torn down, the biggest of course being the EU.

Interesting also to see, as the EU begins its death squirms that it is lashing out at Britain, that constant bastion against authoritarians in Europe through the ages. They are trying to remove the 'old' idea of nations states, beginning here and we don't need to wonder why. They will seek to destroy our financial centres as it keeps us strong, just as they long ago forced us to break with the Commonwealth,

How much longer can we keep finding stupid people to run our politics? When will a leader emerge who can see the EU for what it is?

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