Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Wither Europe?

No pain, no socialism as you might say. The EU needs to heal itself we hear, it is in dire financial straits. Well, maybe that is wrong, maybe we are letting the Left, the EU frame the 'narrative'. The only problem, as ever, with the EU and its Euro is political not economic.

If Greece was a sovereign country they could do what was necessary to recover, not 'negotiate' with Frenchmen and Germans. But then, that would be a country that also didn't drag down its neighbours or 'partners'. Again, politics.

If you look at the problems roosting today, you see it is the countries in receipt of EU welfare benefits who now need more and more. They won't help themselves (by paying their taxes!) and in many ways they can't, because the central power of unelected technocrats hold them in thrall. Greece is Waynetta Slobopoulos, but with a better tan. The people have become used to a way of life beyond their means and demand as a 'right' that it should continue.

That is the proper framing of this crisis; that it is a political one. A political crisis inevitable by the objectives of the EU from the outset and completely avoidable by the simple expedient of deleting the EU. It is not our national governments that duplicate the powers of the EU, but the other way around. At the simplest it is repeat government and therefore redundant; at the extreme it is an anti-democratic, totalitarian construct that will devour its children.

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