Cameron has been giving a speech to 'business leaders' and despite these people actually knowing what is going on, Cameron still stuck to the imaginary world in his head. I doubt it is Game of Thrones, but some kind of virtual reality is swirling around inside his brain. Clearly, being properly educated doesn't mean you have any idea of how to apply that knowledge.
I'm not sure I believe in if any more, it's an illusion. The 'if' in question is, if Cameron is right. His speech for instance was formed around weasel words. His government he assured us, is doing 'all that it can' to get us out of economic crisis. This is a typical, throwaway line that is dropped into speeches because it sounds right. But Cameron must surely, know that he is far from active in debt reduction, or growth plans. And his audience there would know that at first hand.
What Cameron is actively engaged with is European integration, acquiescing to any demands from homosexual political activists, increasing national indebtedness, spending more, increasing taxation (mainly at the behest of 'green' political activists), subsidising another fantasy; 'carbon' reduction, allowing large companies to use their monopolistic situation to rip off customers, posturing and reminding us regularly that he is the Prime Minister.
So no, in no way is Cameron right, he isn't addressing the pressing issues and what he is doing is in the main, destructive. He isn't doing mad things that he thinks are political wizardry as did Gordon Brown, just things that make him feel important. He is the Prime Minister, you know.
At his speech he also 'got tough' with the EU. In his view getting tough means telling the rich countries (that would be France and Germany) to get on with supporting the poorer ones, in the eurozone. This is akin to a Samaritan giving advice on suicide to mentally unstable people. When he warned of break up, he clearly meant that he saw that as being as unthinkable as anyone else.
Naturally, given his track record on every other subject, doing the exact opposite of what Cameron thinks, is the right thing to do. The euro should not exist. It was only ever brought into being to assist in setting up a political union across Europe and the removal of national identity. Then the people would be required to stick to the laws emanating from the centre, just as Stalin did when he took over Eastern Europe after World War Two.
So, if you are finding life hard currently here are the reasons; the Left has undermined the legal system, policing, education and the Civil Service. Through 'environmentalism' they have forced governments to raise taxes and destroy businesses and the EU has brought about the financial ruin of Europe, including Britain. All of these efforts are made by authoritarians and authoritarianism is the creed of the Left; what we would call communism. It was the ideology of Stalin and Hitler and any attempt to portray Hitler as Right wing is to hide the reality, in no less a way than did communists who refused to criticise Stalin.
Our apathy to politics has allowed these people free rein and now we are reaping the whirlwind. If you don't want it to continue then wake up. When the attitude of all is to want to increase their lot and that opportunity should exist, then we will have the right political attitude to bring about a much fairer society. This would exclude not only communists such as Ed Balls, Ed Miliband and Ken Livingstone, but also the likes of Nick Clegg and David Cameron.
These people believe in a political system that denies justice and accretes power to the centre, to them. It is unacceptable.
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