Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Water, Water Everywhere

As the rain continues to lash the country, some areas resolutely hold on to a hosepipe ban. It feels stupid, but actually you can understand a long term shortage isn't solved by a lot of rain in a short period. But we have had a lot for a month plus, so what is going on?

Turns out that the government have been merrily rejecting applications for new reservoirs on the basis that there is 'no need'. Marry those two things up then; drought because we have had reduced rainfall over winter and no need for extra water storage capacity. The population has expanded (grown is wrong I think, when most arrived on a jet plane) and that alone would have increased usage.

The government however, are playing a virtual reality game. In their world there be dragons and every resource, every decision has to be made with the overriding aim of combating global warming. Proper scientists, using a knowledge of earth's cyclical history and the sun's activity, think it most likely that we are about to enter a period of cooling, maybe even a mini ice age. For this real threat, I think the government have made zero preparation.

The threat they invented in their heads, global warming was further blamed on Man's activity, meaning we could 'do' something about it. Strangely, this required the destruction of democratic government, Western civilisation and the capitalist system that has created so much wealth and well being. Once we had purged ourselves in this way some god would forgive our sins and global warming would be averted.

In so far as there was some warming, it is clear that, once again it was due to the Sun's activity. We are mere spectators. If you are a Stalinist, this doesn't help you scare the world into allowing you to take control.

Needless to say the anti-citizen policies of the government in the main came from the unelected government in Brussels. We should not be allowed to have enough water capacity for the number of people needing access. We should instead conserve this 'dwindling' resource, a thought process that even the old saying about the water you drink having been drunk many times before, slays.

So once again it is not just the government, but the EU that has caused a fundamental problem in the good ordering of a country and its vital infrastructure.

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