Thursday, 31 May 2012

A Question For You

If you live in an EU country, answer this question; if you don't agree with the measures that the EU leadership are taking to deal with the financial crisis, what can you do about it?

The answer is not only simple, but also one that I wonder if anyone has ever considered before. Nothing. There is absolutely nothing you can do. You can vote for different parties in your own state (or region of the EU as you should look at it), but it won't make any difference. The EU does the telling, it never listens, let alone seek advice.

Because the exchange rate is wrong for Greece, it cannot get out of the mess it is in unless the rich countries, for whom the rate is right, transfer funds to the poorer countries. As we have seen, this they are unwilling to do. If a parliament, such as Greece's disagrees, it is replaced with EU leaning technocrats, who will do its bidding.

There is not only no democracy in the EU machine, it is in fact designed to destroy democracies. The eurozone is in a mess because of EU policies and those policies are here to stay. Look to history and human nature; when have tyrants ever backed down of their own volition, before? When all in the Warsaw Pact had to run their countries according to edicts from Moscow, it became a bloc of backward, impoverished nations. In fact, a model that the EU has followed and still thinks a good idea.

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