Thursday, 3 May 2012


If you follow the logic of the Greens then you must be of the opinion that Man should not use energy. Delingpole says that we should rely on the technical inventiveness of mankind, which has, at least up until now, resolved our looming problems.

It has become clear that the global warming scare turned into a scam long ago and it isn't something to concern anyone. It was definitely right to look into it though, as it is absolutely the case that one thing affects another and we just didn't know what level of harm our activity was having. However, when we realised that we are not having any impact, we should have also said we don't understand the mechanisms either, so we need to keep an eye on things.

Contrarily though, we did the opposite and allowed a bunch of political activists from the Left tell us that they did understand the entirety of global climate and that Man was having a devastating effect on the planet. None of this, not any of it was true and it is very probably the enormity of the lie that caused people to think it might be true. But hey everyone said, in this post intellectual world I'm not going to do anything stupid myself, like try to find out!

Going back to the assertion that technology will save us, it has to be the right technology and again, unbelievably the Left has achieved something incredible. They have sold you technology that cannot possibly do what you need it to do. We know, absolutely and without doubt that our current photovoltaic technology is woefully inadequate for domestic, let alone industrial power applications.

Is your roof plastered with solar panels? And how is that working out for you? Great when the sun shines and you are not at home I would guess, just the fridge and the fish tank drawing a little power. What about when you get home and want to cook dinner, put the kettle on for a cuppa in front of the TV, watching that new Blu ray film through the cinema sound system?

Don't tell me, you can't even have a (low energy, low output) light bulb on, because the sun has gone down (which is why you need a light on!). Then there are the wind farms. Fabulous output when the wind is just right, none at all when it is calm or quite windy. So, they require a real power station as back up, just like solar, negating the need for these 'technologies' in the first place.

Gas is a relatively low CO2 output fossil fuel, so should we be building those type of power station? Delingpole again is keen, because the shale gas reserves found around Britain means we would have our own fuel for hundreds of years. But as CO2 output is not causing a thing called global warming or climate change, we don't need to worry about emissions. But you know what, a lot the by products of burning anything are not that pleasant when emitted to the atmosphere.

We may not be looking at the catastrophe the Left tried to make you believe, so they could create the failing system of government they need to seize power, but pollution is still undesirable, so let's try to avoid it. Nuclear of course gets us away from the emissions problem but produces its own problems of radioactive waste. Well, there may be good news here.

The use of Thorium as a fuel for nuclear reactors would have an immediate benefit in that it produces between 10 and 10,000 times less waste than uranium, which is what we currently use. As it uses up all the Thorium rather than the 0.7% in a uranium reactor, meaning we have at least a 1,000 year energy supply at current usage, worldwide.

There are other benefits too. It doesn't need to be used in a pressurised environment so no explosion should a plant be overwhelmed as at Fukushima. Also, it stops reacting if you stop bombarding it with neutrons. As a scientist involved pointed out, if the reactor 'runs away' and gets too hot, a plug in the reactor melts and the thorium drains away, so stopping the reaction process. It saves itself.

Are we developing this technology? No. We are pumping all our money into wind farm and solar array subsidies, into funding Green activists and their useful idiot academics. Nadine Dorries recently suggested that a major failing of the Conservative leadership was that they didn't know the price of milk. It seems more likely that the bigger issue is, they don't appear to know how to find out. The most obvious things escape them.

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