Wednesday, 2 May 2012


A parliamentary committee decided yesterday was the day to show just how pointless this Left inspired Salem witch hunt is. They announced that in their opinion the Murdoch's were not fit and proper people to run an international company, even though they have no business making that assertion. It is the role of a regulator.

The opinion though, just appeared to be the malicious dribbling of the Labour bloc doing as they are told, so not even a hint of a real inquiry process. But I suppose the real point was to try to set the direction the regulator should take. It would be a brave bureaucrat who found differently from a Parliamentary committee wouldn't it?

This inquiry, like the Leveson one is yet another example of how the Left so completely dominate our lives through corrupt politics. It has no point and barely touches things that are the proper interest of government and yet as a tool to attack capitalists, both in the flesh and politicians of that hue, it is unimpeachable. The constant complaints and shrill exhortations of the Left really are becoming tiresome.

The process has revealed something of importance though, that is of real and proper interest to MP's and something that requires action. Tom Watson MP (Labour), a member of the anti-Murdoch brigade brought in to do harm, has released privileged information from within the inquiry, before its own report was published and in a book written for financial gain. Watson disclosed that the report would say Murdoch misled Parliament.

Surely this exposes Watson as at least not a fit and proper person to be on the committee, casting its whole validity into doubt, but also raises the question as to whether he should be a Member of Parliament at all. It is surely correct that he be released from his position as an MP and barred from the House for at least 5 years, meaning he cannot stand again for election to that House, within that time frame.

Naturally, as you would expect of such an unattractive character, Watson has form. He has leaked information before, though his buddies on the Leveson inquiry somehow managed to blame Guido Fawkes blog. They said that Watson had copied the information released from the blog, making Paul Staines (aka Guido) the source of the leak. Quite how the redacted version he published became un-redacted in Watson's hands, no-one felt at liberty to say. This meant an important matter was dropped.

So, the actual lessons learnt are, that we should listen less to and be more aware of the Left and its persistent tactics to modify the way you think. And that we should act against the Left, holding them to account every time they corrupt democratic process and break the law. No more should they be able to escape common justice, as it applies to others. This is not party politics, or differing opinions. We have to weed out these dangerous people from within our midst.

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