Friday, 18 May 2012

Life's Rich Tapestry

Oh joy! Rebekah Brooks has hit back at what she calls the 'posturing' CPS by referring to the private life of the QC bringing charges against her. Seems the slightly scary looking Alison Levitt had an affair with the man who is now her husband. At the time Lord Carlile had been married for 37 years to his childhood sweetheart and Ms Levitt was in a 14 year old marriage.

Obviously, in more deferential times, when standards of behaviour were higher and people in places of importance could be scandalised by such things, her role as a prominent QC and advisor in public service would have been questioned. Today, we find fault with wicked newspapers investigating the trivia we so hungrily feed on, expecting manners and high standards of conduct.

Ms. Brooks of course, is questioning whether the disclosure in the newspapers of Ms Levitt's affair may have given her a reason to dislike the press and may have affected her judgement as to whether to charge a tabloid newspaper executive. Cue an annoyed Keir Starmer. Ms Levitt didn't know that her affair had been reported in the News of the World, he assures us, going on to say it was just three sentences. Furthermore she is a 'distinguished and highly respected QC', by which I presume we are to assume a deferential position regarding her probity.

As a communist, Mr Starmer will naturally expect to have it every way. We must be liberal, 'progressive' and 'modern' I'm sure about married people having affairs. People should be allowed to do what they want, without constraints such as concern for the impact on others, like their spouses and children. Self is prime. However, deference, which can be ignored when referring to the Queen and such anachronisms, must be given to people who are 'distinguished' in the eyes of those such as Mr Starmer.

Reeks a little of the old benign elite, looking after you, because they know best, does it not? Indeed how dare such a person as Brooks have the temerity to question the integrity of someone such as Levitt? Do we not already know what a disreputable person Ms Brooks is, from all the things said about her at the public inquiry? Ms Levitt has not and does not do underhand things and to suggest otherwise is to impugn a flawless character.

I can't imagine Keir Starmer does intentional comedy, but I guess, being him it just comes naturally.

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